Catching up with Dustin Lansing, O2 Coach Ambassador
We had so much fun catching up with Dustin the other day. He’s both an owner and trainer at CrossFit 740 in Lancaster, OH. Last month he became an O2 Coach Ambassador, and we’re stoked to have him on board. But truth told, Dustin has been part of the O2 gym family for a long time...since 2014!
Team O2: “What has it been like being a gym owner during COVID-19?”
Dustin: “When the lockdown first started, I wasn’t stressed because I was thinking that we would just be closed for a couple of weeks. But then, after three or four weeks, it started to get really stressful. When you pour your life, energy, heart and soul into something, and then you don’t know how long your members are going to be able to pay, it’s a lot.”
While some of his members did lose their jobs, Dustin was fortunate that 99% of his members continued to pay their membership. Why? “Because they knew that we were all in this together. It never crossed their minds not to. CrossFit 740 isn’t a big corporation, and they knew that we needed their support so that they would have a gym to come back to. We live in a small town and all have relationships both in and out of the gym. Our members are all about unity and being there for each other.” #community
CrossFit 740 is open and everyone is training again, although changes were made to abide by state protocols. Interestingly, members like some of the protocols. (Go figure?) So even when the pandemic is ancient history, among other things, his group is still going to keep the hand sanitizer around. “Why weren’t we doing this all along?” #keepingitpositive
Dustin is active on social media with his gym, and there was a lot of buzz from members about participating in the spring give-back program and Stay for May. The same is true for the Fall 50/50 campaign. He says people are looking to stock up on gear and a lot of O2. (Nice!) Maybe that’s because he’s such a good O2 Ambassador? He told us that he gets ambassador opportunities from other products, but the offer from O2 was different. “I wanted to be an O2 Ambassador to give back to them for supporting us. O2 is standing beside CrossFit in a very difficult time, and if I can help grow the O2 business in any way, I’m happy to do it.”
Dustin is having a lot of fun with his new O2 role. We’re hoping he becomes TikTok famous for drinking an O2 on his Onewheel. Check him out @DustinL740. Pretty soon he’ll be too busy for interviews with us.
We’re so glad that CrossFit 740 is signed up for the Fall 50/50 campaign and members are already shopping the special deals. Is your gym signed up? Click here to find your gym's code and check out the active offers. There will be new ones each week!